Our History

Established in 2022, Evolve KidsCare was founded as a nonprofit organization in Maryland by leaders in the substance abuse treatment field as they identified the growing need for childcare in the successful recovery of men and women in treatment for addiction. Following the acute phase of treatment, individuals enter into recovery where they form relationships with other adults through 12-step programs. These programs are specialized therapeutic settings where the daily work of overcoming dependence on drugs is accomplished. However, recovery takes place over years as the underlying causes of addiction are identified and new behaviors and ways of thinking are practiced. 
Our program provides childcare for parents attending substance use recovery meetings; a program that contributes to the successful recovery of parents by freeing them of worry to concentrate on their personal recovery from substance use. Families receive informed and supportive services by addressing the service gap of quality childcare for parents in recovery. Many parents in recovery take children to 12-step fellowship meetings when there is no affordable childcare. Children are exposed to adult conversation about substance use. Experts in the field believe children become at greater risk for substance abuse by becoming desensitized to it. Moreover, parents without child care often skip recovery meetings, critical to preventing relapse. 

Our Mission

Evolve KidsCare provides a safe, structured environment where kids can be kids while parents recover freely without guilt


Empowering the next generation of recovering families